Monday, May 19, 2008

TMC Eats

And alot. I mean eating is my favorite, and cooking, well...its like art. I am not a chef, not a gourmet cook, I'm not really a foodie, I just love food. There will not be recipes on this blog, or exquisite diddies on the aroma and flavor. No critisicsm and or expensive ingredients. Just me eating, and other little tidbits on life and food (and drinks). There will be lots of picutres of the food I create, because my plate is my canvas, and from there, anything beatiful can happen.

PS. Don't be fooled by the cupcake. I mean, I love cupcakes, but sweets are not really my thing. I'm more about savory. But this picture is beatiful, courtsey of my sister, so I wanted to share it.

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